1 (basic utility) |
Car parking
Plant rooms (excluding electrical equipment)
Some leakages and damp areas tolerable. Local drainage may be required |
> 65% normal UK external range |
Visible damp patches may be acceptable |
Minor seepage may be acceptable |
Car parks: atmospheric
Workshops: 15-29 oC
Mechanical plant rooms: 32oC max. at ceiling height
2 (better utility) |
Workshops and Plant rooms requiring drier environment than Grade 1 storage |
No water penetration but damp areas tolerable dependant on the intended use. Ventilation may be required to control condensation. |
35-50% |
No visible damp patches, construction fabric to contain less than air dry moisture content. |
None acceptable |
Retail Storage: 15oC max.
Electrical Plant rooms: 42oC max.
3 (habitable) |
Ventilated residential and commercial areas including offices, restaurants, and leisure centres etc. |
Dry environment. No water penetration. Additional ventilation, dehumidification or air conditioning appropriate to intended use. |
55-60% for restaurants in summer |
None acceptable.
Active measures to control internal humidity may be necessary. |
None acceptable |
Offices: 21-25oC
Residential at 18-22oC
Leisure Centres
- Spectators: 18oC
- Squash courts: 10oC
- Changing rooms: 22oC
- Swimming pools: 24-29oC
Restaurants: 18-25oC
Kitchens: 29oC max.
4 (special) |
Archives, Landmark buildings, and stores requiring a controlled environment |
Totally dry environment. Requires ventilation, dehumidification, or air conditioning appropriate to intended use. |
50% for art storage
>40% for microfilms and tapes
35% for books
Active measures to control internal humidity probably essential |
None acceptable |
Art storage: 18-22oC
Book archives: 13-18oC